Red Carpet (2007)

Red carpet is a series exploring the idea of being in a continuous state of opening. It is traditional symbol for the "gala premiere." Red carpet presents the reality that there is no gala premier because there is no finished product. Time and space change/move us along. They cannot be stopped but we choose (for the most part) how to open/move ourselves through it. I am always trying to roll out of the carpet but I also know that I never will or never can be one with the world.

Full Description

Red carpet is a series exploring the idea of being in a continuous state of opening. It is traditional symbol for the "gala premiere." Red carpet presents the reality that there is no gala premier because there is no finished product. Time and space change/move us along. They cannot be stopped but we choose (for the most part) how to open/move ourselves through it. I am always trying to roll out of the carpet but I also know that I never will or never can be one with the world.

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