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My primary artistic curiosity is on principles of growth - the rhythms, patterns, and tensions that arise from the vital order of living nature. Areas of research include pattern within organic form and an understanding of the underlying structure and morphology within nature's complexity.

Recent practice focuses on trying to define the ambiguous space between science and art, imagined and observed reality. When applied to my pictorial methods, this translated into a gradual construction of a hybrid form through the varied repetition and layering of basic germinal elements i.e. photographs etc.

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My primary artistic curiosity is on principles of growth - the rhythms, patterns, and tensions that arise from the vital order of living nature. Areas of research include pattern within organic form and an understanding of the underlying structure and morphology within nature's complexity.

Recent practice focuses on trying to define the ambiguous space between science and art, imagined and observed reality. When applied to my pictorial methods, this translated into a gradual construction of a hybrid form through the varied repetition and layering of basic germinal elements i.e. photographs etc.

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