In Toto (2007)

Color, line, shape, texture, and light are the media that express the emotion in my work. Rather than creating a recognizable object, I use the elements of painting itself to allow the story to unfold. There is no plan in my painting, yet there is process. I let a color, a line, a shadow dictate what comes next. The purpose is to create expression and emotion strictly out of shape and color - completely abstract. My best works are the ones that just happen, when I allow myself to be surprised.

Full Description

Color, line, shape, texture, and light are the media that express the emotion in my work. Rather than creating a recognizable object, I use the elements of painting itself to allow the story to unfold. There is no plan in my painting, yet there is process. I let a color, a line, a shadow dictate what comes next. The purpose is to create expression and emotion strictly out of shape and color - completely abstract. My best works are the ones that just happen, when I allow myself to be surprised.

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