U.bi.qui.none (2006)

U.bi.qui.none is a collaboration between Will Docherty and audio artist Simon McCorry.

It is built from an archive of 5,000 still images taken over 5 years, each a unit, replicated in multiple units, to formulate a moving image.

U.bi.qui.none grew out of shear frustration with the unmanageable quantity of digital images I have accrued over the years. This is not something I am alone on. Thousands of millions of digital assets are captured, transfered and uploaded each day from every corner of the earth to be stored on mass storage systems around the world, all accessible 24 hours a day 365 days a year. U.biqui.none aims to create a dialogue between memory and consumption and our inherent desire to store these snapshots of our lives with the global corporations that host "our" media.

Full Description

U.bi.qui.none is a collaboration between Will Docherty and audio artist Simon McCorry.

It is built from an archive of 5,000 still images taken over 5 years, each a unit, replicated in multiple units, to formulate a moving image.

U.bi.qui.none grew out of shear frustration with the unmanageable quantity of digital images I have accrued over the years. This is not something I am alone on. Thousands of millions of digital assets are captured, transfered and uploaded each day from every corner of the earth to be stored on mass storage systems around the world, all accessible 24 hours a day 365 days a year. U.biqui.none aims to create a dialogue between memory and consumption and our inherent desire to store these snapshots of our lives with the global corporations that host "our" media.

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