what i learned from the TV (2007)

The final installation of this project features a multi channel installation with a looped video and audio component that is staggered in display with a delay in the loop. The background wall is a collage of various still images from the videos that have been run through a script I have written (based on the image raster script) on Scriptographer and Adobe illustrator that transforms any raster image into a vector image using any vector objects that is assigned to the script during the conversion process. The collage reinforces the theme of repetition in content and in form, with the use of the classic graphic design principles of grid and object repetition.

Full Description

The final installation of this project features a multi channel installation with a looped video and audio component that is staggered in display with a delay in the loop. The background wall is a collage of various still images from the videos that have been run through a script I have written (based on the image raster script) on Scriptographer and Adobe illustrator that transforms any raster image into a vector image using any vector objects that is assigned to the script during the conversion process. The collage reinforces the theme of repetition in content and in form, with the use of the classic graphic design principles of grid and object repetition.

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