Amalgamide Tide (2007)

…We manufacture our own catastrophes for our entertainment, the euphoria of when things go wrong, a stage for our collective loss of control. In an attempt to undermine the social and physical norms of separation and ownership this projection of the aesthetically manufactured catastrophe has been parading through our public areas, projected onto building facades or any suitable space from the inside of a discreetly parked kidnappers van. It is the eyewash of the buildings, a momentary surface effect for our entertainment where our object-space is re-presented. The projection is of various blends between Niagara Falls, Tsunami waves, cloud systems, and tornadoes consisting of thousands of digitally animated people. Questioning the part to whole relationship, particularly of group mentality, we share with our surroundings and the mutual necessity of loss of control to maintain the balance of a system. Our conglomerate groupings can be seen as being part of many ...

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…We manufacture our own catastrophes for our entertainment, the euphoria of when things go wrong, a stage for our collective loss of control. In an attempt to undermine the social and physical norms of separation and ownership this projection of the aesthetically manufactured catastrophe has been parading through our public areas, projected onto building facades or any suitable space from the inside of a discreetly parked kidnappers van. It is the eyewash of the buildings, a momentary surface effect for our entertainment where our object-space is re-presented. The projection is of various blends between Niagara Falls, Tsunami waves, cloud systems, and tornadoes consisting of thousands of digitally animated people. Questioning the part to whole relationship, particularly of group mentality, we share with our surroundings and the mutual necessity of loss of control to maintain the balance of a system. Our conglomerate groupings can be seen as being part of many larger organisms or systems that we willfully and uncontrollably ride on, experiencing in varying macros and micros along the way….
Amalgamide Tide is an ongoing project being guerilla projected onto buildings cross-country, for more info please visit: thanks!

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