Dance with me (2006)

The visitor enters in a dark room. He advances to the single luminous point, a plexiglass box posed on a white base in which there is a wire mini-jack. If je has a MP3 reader, he can connect this one on the wire and hear his own music. Then he sees young women dancing who follow the rhythm of the music. They move the arms and the legs, slowly and quickly according to the volume and the tempo of the music. These videos was downloading on Youtube. These American young people filmed themselves with their webcam, danced following a very close choreography, they were inspired from each other, and distributed on Youtube the result. Now they dance for us.

Full Description

The visitor enters in a dark room. He advances to the single luminous point, a plexiglass box posed on a white base in which there is a wire mini-jack. If je has a MP3 reader, he can connect this one on the wire and hear his own music. Then he sees young women dancing who follow the rhythm of the music. They move the arms and the legs, slowly and quickly according to the volume and the tempo of the music. These videos was downloading on Youtube. These American young people filmed themselves with their webcam, danced following a very close choreography, they were inspired from each other, and distributed on Youtube the result. Now they dance for us.

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