Light Paper Noise (2007)

Light_Paper_Noise is similar to the previous work Light_Paper_Sound, except rather than generating new mixes of audio from recordings, it listens to the ambient sound of the room to affect the real-time animation projected on the paper surface.

The piece was created entirely in the gallery within a few days time. Catherine Walworth curated the group exhibition of paper based works entitled Paperwork which also included artists Rhonda Kuhlman (San Antonio, TX), Sachi Komai (Madison, WI) and Michael Velliquette (Madison, WI/San Antonio, TX).

Full Description

Light_Paper_Noise is similar to the previous work Light_Paper_Sound, except rather than generating new mixes of audio from recordings, it listens to the ambient sound of the room to affect the real-time animation projected on the paper surface.

The piece was created entirely in the gallery within a few days time. Catherine Walworth curated the group exhibition of paper based works entitled Paperwork which also included artists Rhonda Kuhlman (San Antonio, TX), Sachi Komai (Madison, WI) and Michael Velliquette (Madison, WI/San Antonio, TX).

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