blog (2007)

This piece entitled "Blog" demonstrates the dynamism of the Internet. Blog in its modern use is a continually and frequently updated website of its creator's thoughts. It is meant to be updated two or three times a day. "Blog," on the other hand, is much more obsessive than that. It aims to recreate a traditional media website like the New York Times by copying and pasting the whole headline section of a newspaper. It tries to recreate the sensationalism of a newspaper by sampling a major news event. Since the Internet encompasses popular media as well, video clips around the world are represented by "embedded videos" and links to wacky videos like those of a cat trying to eat rabbits and a panda attempting to escape the zoo. On the left side are showcased functions of the Internet, including pornography, philanthropy aid, education, and art. Each site, after all, is ...

Full Description

This piece entitled "Blog" demonstrates the dynamism of the Internet. Blog in its modern use is a continually and frequently updated website of its creator's thoughts. It is meant to be updated two or three times a day. "Blog," on the other hand, is much more obsessive than that. It aims to recreate a traditional media website like the New York Times by copying and pasting the whole headline section of a newspaper. It tries to recreate the sensationalism of a newspaper by sampling a major news event. Since the Internet encompasses popular media as well, video clips around the world are represented by "embedded videos" and links to wacky videos like those of a cat trying to eat rabbits and a panda attempting to escape the zoo. On the left side are showcased functions of the Internet, including pornography, philanthropy aid, education, and art. Each site, after all, is a representation of its creator's thoughts, so I placed links to more personal information. At the bottom of the website is a search engine that allows visitors to "search me." Certain unusable links and extraneous words and aspects of the site are left as they are, in order to represent the imperfection of the Internet and to hint at the generic template that was utilized to create this dynamic webpage.

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