defragged ()

"defragged" is a Machinima - a 3D-Animation created in realtime.There is no longer an interactive component in this film though it was created within a game engine. The game content gradually developes into a cinematic performance. "defragged" is all about a virtual avatar in the process of realization within the intermedial space between game and film; likewise it deals with the new perceptional orientation of the spectator as well as that of the actor that goes along with it. A game that has lost its rules and content. What now? This animation assumes the whole environment, avatars and sounds of the First Person Shooter "Quake III Arena". Programmed Scripts, camera work, and sound arrangement enable specific directing. "defragged" differs from many other digital artworks as it does not work with changes of virtual codes but rather with the consistancy of a virtual construction as such: This created world becomes the ...

Full Description

"defragged" is a Machinima - a 3D-Animation created in realtime.There is no longer an interactive component in this film though it was created within a game engine. The game content gradually developes into a cinematic performance. "defragged" is all about a virtual avatar in the process of realization within the intermedial space between game and film; likewise it deals with the new perceptional orientation of the spectator as well as that of the actor that goes along with it. A game that has lost its rules and content. What now? This animation assumes the whole environment, avatars and sounds of the First Person Shooter "Quake III Arena". Programmed Scripts, camera work, and sound arrangement enable specific directing. "defragged" differs from many other digital artworks as it does not work with changes of virtual codes but rather with the consistancy of a virtual construction as such: This created world becomes the setting for an avatar as a playful tool, an actor, an existent being and as part of this hybrid and ever changing system.

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