james and the Ambiguous box (2007)

"As our lived experience fractures in more directions and as media and a shrinking globe concentrate our absorption of outside influence, it seems to me that some of the most thought-provoking art draws attention to the mechanics of the process of living. How do we understand our place in the world, not only as artists, but also as individuals? How can we negotiate individual understanding in a world which tries to create our understanding for us?"

A YORK REGION DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD TEACHER ?Boy in the Box? a new meaning, as I spend 72 hours 3 days living inside an 6"-foot cube in the foyer of Keswick High School.

Starting at 2:30 p.m. April 3rd, I, James Ruddle, an Artist and Art Teacher at Keswick High School lived in the box with only a light, art supplies and water. My installation piece was entitled ?James and the Ambiguous ...

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"As our lived experience fractures in more directions and as media and a shrinking globe concentrate our absorption of outside influence, it seems to me that some of the most thought-provoking art draws attention to the mechanics of the process of living. How do we understand our place in the world, not only as artists, but also as individuals? How can we negotiate individual understanding in a world which tries to create our understanding for us?"

A YORK REGION DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD TEACHER ?Boy in the Box? a new meaning, as I spend 72 hours 3 days living inside an 6"-foot cube in the foyer of Keswick High School.

Starting at 2:30 p.m. April 3rd, I, James Ruddle, an Artist and Art Teacher at Keswick High School lived in the box with only a light, art supplies and water. My installation piece was entitled ?James and the Ambiguous Box? and during my stay I produced artwork on the inside of the structure While the students and public graffiti the outside. I emerged Thursday, April 6 @ 2: 30p.m. The public was invited to share the experience by leaving a message on the speakers corner attached to the box to see what the experience was like.

?I am trying to get the public involved more with art, I am trying to show the students way up in Keswick that as long as they think Big and Think creatively they a can impact the world. They can get people talking about bigger things than themselves.

Visitors were also encouraged to leave video messages for the artist. My experience was displayed live through a video feed outside the box and through a 6 inch screened in hole.

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