SelfDiscoveryTool (2007)

I created a self-discovery tool, a web site for the internet that visualizes 9 personalities based on the Enneagam. I would like to define a larger role for myself as an artist - the role of healer. This work introduces an information visualization titled, Self - Discovery Visualization of through “Enneagram; explaining the particular extreme mental illnesses of personality type. The resulting systems use in an interactive, visually displayed text and images with generating sound and voice. I may help others to meet their true ego and to escape from the negative ego’s deceit, through creating a cyberspace where people can interact with my work as they do on the net.

Full Description

I created a self-discovery tool, a web site for the internet that visualizes 9 personalities based on the Enneagam. I would like to define a larger role for myself as an artist - the role of healer. This work introduces an information visualization titled, Self - Discovery Visualization of through “Enneagram; explaining the particular extreme mental illnesses of personality type. The resulting systems use in an interactive, visually displayed text and images with generating sound and voice. I may help others to meet their true ego and to escape from the negative ego’s deceit, through creating a cyberspace where people can interact with my work as they do on the net.

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