Self Portrait, Protesting (2007)

I use systems (specific mediums) to question how convention informs identity. Drawing is indexical, particularly referencing and tracing back to the physical space of the artist. My drawings are about investment within a limitations or constraints - less being more.

I take photographic self-portraits. Using the photograph as a source, I draw my image largerthan life. I monumentalize moments and I deem them special occasions. The moment (statement) passes, but the drawing is permanent. Drawing is a "stick to your ribs" medium; it has staying power. Statements (whether spoken, painted, thought, given or drawn) are fickle and grand - deflated or elevated, changing but demonstrative. There is satisfaction in the processof drawing - an accounting of events that I might have forgotten otherwise. The drawing becomes a reminder, like a souvenir penny, stamped with the place and date of my trip.

The works are Humpty Dumpty versions of myself, looked ...

Full Description

I use systems (specific mediums) to question how convention informs identity. Drawing is indexical, particularly referencing and tracing back to the physical space of the artist. My drawings are about investment within a limitations or constraints - less being more.

I take photographic self-portraits. Using the photograph as a source, I draw my image largerthan life. I monumentalize moments and I deem them special occasions. The moment (statement) passes, but the drawing is permanent. Drawing is a "stick to your ribs" medium; it has staying power. Statements (whether spoken, painted, thought, given or drawn) are fickle and grand - deflated or elevated, changing but demonstrative. There is satisfaction in the processof drawing - an accounting of events that I might have forgotten otherwise. The drawing becomes a reminder, like a souvenir penny, stamped with the place and date of my trip.

The works are Humpty Dumpty versions of myself, looked at, broken down, picked at, and pieced back together. They are meditations on the bit parts, an elevating of the everyday stuff of life.

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