the emergence of beauty (2007)

As an information gatherer and adventurous mind, my visual thinking, aesthetic dimensions and imaginary number fields are influenced by reason and magic, math and myth, physics and psychology. The hand of an artist, or nature's dynamics, are the origins of my paintings and compositions, from where the imagery and music spins into a concerto of new motions and subtle variations. Natural, computer-generated, and man-made are inseparable categories in this process of entangled interactions, body signals, dreams and, synchronicities. Art-computing (Painting-Poetry-Music)is both math and psychology. .................................................. I ask what can be accomplished by training our senses for complex visual thinking and imagining multidimensional intricate structures, like randomness and intuition, that have played with plentitude and precision. My images are dancing to the tune of many sets of equations in constant evolution as my concepts of number, color, words, tone, form and meaning are changing.

The emerging dance generated, choreographed by the ...

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As an information gatherer and adventurous mind, my visual thinking, aesthetic dimensions and imaginary number fields are influenced by reason and magic, math and myth, physics and psychology. The hand of an artist, or nature's dynamics, are the origins of my paintings and compositions, from where the imagery and music spins into a concerto of new motions and subtle variations. Natural, computer-generated, and man-made are inseparable categories in this process of entangled interactions, body signals, dreams and, synchronicities. Art-computing (Painting-Poetry-Music)is both math and psychology. .................................................. I ask what can be accomplished by training our senses for complex visual thinking and imagining multidimensional intricate structures, like randomness and intuition, that have played with plentitude and precision. My images are dancing to the tune of many sets of equations in constant evolution as my concepts of number, color, words, tone, form and meaning are changing.

The emerging dance generated, choreographed by the relationship between spaces, sets and abstract places of the mind can be interpreted, rearranged, combined, translated, elucidated in new and renaissance ways.

The resulting augmentation of the senses is surrounding and animating the language of the abstract: spin7 x densityP. This process of visual thinking and apprehending the world through mathemartics, this reformularizing intuition converges to Beauty, Elegance and Knowledge.

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