Evolution (2007)

‘ Evolution’ can be seen as a parody of the inner and intuitive nature of the artist ironically questioning the progress of both human nature and technology. The monkey is, in myth and psychology, symbolic of our primitive selves, the unconscious and the shadow. My work investigates the world along different paths and forms of inquiry. Some of this work is remediated, from T.V newscasting, documentation and film, to occupy an ephemeral and liminal space.

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‘ Evolution’ can be seen as a parody of the inner and intuitive nature of the artist ironically questioning the progress of both human nature and technology. The monkey is, in myth and psychology, symbolic of our primitive selves, the unconscious and the shadow. My work investigates the world along different paths and forms of inquiry. Some of this work is remediated, from T.V newscasting, documentation and film, to occupy an ephemeral and liminal space.

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