Reality_Resonance (2007)

This interactive video intallation is a pseudo semantic video archive containing video shots recorded by mobile telephone (MDA).

We are living Tesla’s vision, in the world of worldwide wireless telecommunications dreamed of one hundred years ago. Our cell phones are slowly assuming the role of the “portapack” used in the golden age of video, becoming the tool of private documentarists, despite every limitation (resolution, storage capacity). Our cell phones are always charged and on hand.

Within 2 years, my video-note-database has grown to several gigabytes and is continually increasing. In this database I described the contents (event, location, actors, etc.) and the specific image and sound attributes (e.g., composition, colour, speed, etc.). With the aid of the descriptions, various tasks (e.g., search) are automatically performed with the computers.

Today, in connection with this - semantic video analysis - intensive scientific research is carried out, although, due to the complexity of videostreaming, this appears to be an extraordinarily complicated task. But in one hundred years, in the private, public and not-public archive of billions of recordings containing billions of something, in all certainty, our moving images - our infinite data-stream-traces - will be processed in this way.

Reality Resonance is the "Wardenclyffe Laboratory" of just such an imagined, semantic video-databank.

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