Be your own Cage (1969) is an net-art piece using found sounds and altered instrumentation to create an entirely sonic-based interactive homage to the art of chance or dada music composition. This piece is done as a response to, by Miltos Manetas. The project consists of 160 recorded found sounds created using a methodology simlilar to John Cage's 'chance' recordings. There is no visual aesthetic other than the white box of a blank webpage, and the viewer is meant to create the sonic composition by moving their mouse over the page.

Full Description

Concept: is an net-art piece using found sounds and altered instrumentation to create an entirely sonic-based interactive homage to the art of chance or dada music composition. This piece is done as a response to, by Miltos Manetas. Mechanics and Aesthetic: The project consists of 160 recorded found sounds created using a methodology simlilar to John Cage's 'chance' recordings. There is no visual aesthetic other than the white box of a blank webpage, and the viewer is meant to create the sonic composition by moving their mouse over the page.

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Artist Statement is an net-art piece using found sounds and altered instrumentation to create an entirely sonic-based interactive homage to the art of chance or dada music composition. This piece is done as a response to, by Miltos Manetas. Mechanics and Aesthetic: The project consists of 160 recorded found sounds created using a methodology simlilar to John Cage's 'chance' recordings. There is no visual aesthetic other than the white box of a blank webpage, and the viewer is meant to create the sonic composition by moving their mouse over the page.

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