Permanent Transit: net.remix (2006)

Permanent Transit: net.remix is a database-form road movie about the anxiety of permanent transit, the shifting identities of the hybrid generation, and the state of statelessness. In this web project, originally commissioned by artwurl, a single-channel video that explores no-mans-lands, border crossings, and nomadic childhoods through the prism of windows filmed in 11 different countries is deconstructed into a series of audio and video databases that through user interaction dynamically generate an unfolding sequence of QuickTime windows, while simultaneously being reconstructed as a fragmented score and text that remix the sounds and sense of the original into the new patterns created by each viewer's unique trajectory through the material. The database subsets are designed so that every sequence has more or less the same beginning and ending, but the trip between takes a different course, and mixes video and audio from different sources, with each re-generation of the windows. The ...

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Permanent Transit: net.remix is a database-form road movie about the anxiety of permanent transit, the shifting identities of the hybrid generation, and the state of statelessness. In this web project, originally commissioned by artwurl, a single-channel video that explores no-mans-lands, border crossings, and nomadic childhoods through the prism of windows filmed in 11 different countries is deconstructed into a series of audio and video databases that through user interaction dynamically generate an unfolding sequence of QuickTime windows, while simultaneously being reconstructed as a fragmented score and text that remix the sounds and sense of the original into the new patterns created by each viewer's unique trajectory through the material. The database subsets are designed so that every sequence has more or less the same beginning and ending, but the trip between takes a different course, and mixes video and audio from different sources, with each re-generation of the windows. The result is an experimental documentary reconstituted as a documented experiment, a narrative spliced with poem and essay and splintered into a database, a remembered journey snapped into film-souvenirs and swapped to extend a conversation between friends and strangers, and a linear video unpacked into a twelve-channel interaction: all designed to dislocate viewers from their ordinary lives and re-place them in the crossroads of the hybrid generation, that difficult, absurd, productive zone where borders blur and cultures intersect, overlap and exchange. The project was produced in collaboration with programmer Ed Potter, composer Qasim Naqvi and poet Zohra Saed.

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