Golden Oldies (2006)

“Golden Oldies”

The installation includes three iPODs; each iPOD plays a silent video inspired by a pop hit from the sixties. The pieces are the length of their title song and loop like a repeat setting on the iPOD.

Music is generally considered the most powerful conduit for movement and emotional suggestion. In “Golden Oldies”, light and movement are used to create a visual score. I wanted to create a visual counterpart to music, which would operate much like music on an iPOD.

The web is awash with discussions on the psychological and societal impact of personal stereo devices. The arguments seem to be about the control of ones’ environment verses the cost of creating individual bubbles. The iPOD is becoming a great urban strategy for controlling interaction. Public space has become privatized.

The piece is both hypnotic and humerous. "Golden Oldies" is currently in exhibition at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art's "New Media" show.

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“Golden Oldies”

The installation includes three iPODs; each iPOD plays a silent video inspired by a pop hit from the sixties. The pieces are the length of their title song and loop like a repeat setting on the iPOD.

Music is generally considered the most powerful conduit for movement and emotional suggestion. In “Golden Oldies”, light and movement are used to create a visual score. I wanted to create a visual counterpart to music, which would operate much like music on an iPOD.

The web is awash with discussions on the psychological and societal impact of personal stereo devices. The arguments seem to be about the control of ones’ environment verses the cost of creating individual bubbles. The iPOD is becoming a great urban strategy for controlling interaction. Public space has become privatized.

The piece is both hypnotic and humerous. "Golden Oldies" is currently in exhibition at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art's "New Media" show.

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