Kodachrome Blue Syntax (1969)

This digital composition explores how a sense of one’s past -- perhaps the aura of childhood -- is imagined and represented, and how those representations re-inflect the past. A psychologically suggestive montage of archival film clips joins a chorus of looping, poetic voices -- as the material objects to which memory is anchored grow more distant, through copying and transcoding across multiple media formats.

The origin of the piece is a print poem of the same title, now incorporated as an “audio track.” The relation of old and new media is foregounded in this piece through the framing of recognizably “vintage” footage and the dubbing in of the mechanical noise produced by an image-only film projector.The voices are processed so as to invite a musical listening experience, where words begin to lose their denotative burden in the tradition of avant-garde sound poetry.

Ultimately the piece becomes an ambient or environmental work, as the audience performs a form of poetic remembering for themselves that parallels the ritual family activity of viewing super-8 films and providing the narration.

Full Description

This digital composition explores how a sense of one’s past -- perhaps the aura of childhood -- is imagined and represented, and how those representations re-inflect the past. A psychologically suggestive montage of archival film clips joins a chorus of looping, poetic voices -- as the material objects to which memory is anchored grow more distant, through copying and transcoding across multiple media formats.

The origin of the piece is a print poem of the same title, now incorporated as an “audio track.” The relation of old and new media is foregounded in this piece through the framing of recognizably “vintage” footage and the dubbing in of the mechanical noise produced by an image-only film projector.The voices are processed so as to invite a musical listening experience, where words begin to lose their denotative burden in the tradition of avant-garde sound poetry.

Ultimately the piece becomes an ambient or environmental work, as the audience performs a form of poetic remembering for themselves that parallels the ritual family activity of viewing super-8 films and providing the narration.

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