green birth (2004)

green birth

  • 'green': audio, 4' 05", stereo, April 2004
  • 'birth': video, 4' 05", color, October 2004

'green birth' was created in the frame of the project 'Belly of the Whale':,

'green birth', is composed from b/w film sequences of the "birth" of a fish seen from under a microscope, while contrast and color levels are added to the video given by the frequencies of the underwater sound track:

  • the sound composition 'green' uses merely underwater sounds from the 'Belly of the Whale Project', a sample recording of original environmental underwater sounds, without any noise reduction or filter.

  • 'birth', the video track of 'green', is composed from short black/white film sequences of the "birth" of a fish seen from under a microscope, while RGB channels as color levels are added to the video, and are controlled by the underwater sound frequencies of 'green':

low underwater sound frequencies control video contrast mid underwater sound frequencies control video green channel high underwater sound frequencies control video blue channel

Full Description

green birth

  • 'green': audio, 4' 05", stereo, April 2004
  • 'birth': video, 4' 05", color, October 2004

'green birth' was created in the frame of the project 'Belly of the Whale':,

'green birth', is composed from b/w film sequences of the "birth" of a fish seen from under a microscope, while contrast and color levels are added to the video given by the frequencies of the underwater sound track:

  • the sound composition 'green' uses merely underwater sounds from the 'Belly of the Whale Project', a sample recording of original environmental underwater sounds, without any noise reduction or filter.

  • 'birth', the video track of 'green', is composed from short black/white film sequences of the "birth" of a fish seen from under a microscope, while RGB channels as color levels are added to the video, and are controlled by the underwater sound frequencies of 'green':

low underwater sound frequencies control video contrast mid underwater sound frequencies control video green channel high underwater sound frequencies control video blue channel

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