West Queen West (2006)

West Queen West is the story of a young woman missing in mysterious circumstances. Move through a series of new media install-ations and explore a neighbourhood in trans-ition. Use your wit, intellegence and cellphone to gather clues and uncover her story. Part game, part art, part real life; WQW is a platform for an interactive experience which pushes the frontiers of digital storytelling, overlaying the virtual world onto the real. The WQW platform represents a step of interactive multimedia off the screen and into the real world, moving beyond film and screen-based games to allow you to interact with the environment in which the technology is invisible.

Full Description

West Queen West is the story of a young woman missing in mysterious circumstances. Move through a series of new media install-ations and explore a neighbourhood in trans-ition. Use your wit, intellegence and cellphone to gather clues and uncover her story. Part game, part art, part real life; WQW is a platform for an interactive experience which pushes the frontiers of digital storytelling, overlaying the virtual world onto the real. The WQW platform represents a step of interactive multimedia off the screen and into the real world, moving beyond film and screen-based games to allow you to interact with the environment in which the technology is invisible.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2006
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Tuesday Sep 12th, 2006
  • Original Url: http://
  • Permalink: http://
  • Work Credits:
    • None, creator
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