Poetry e-motion (2006)

The next time you receive an email from a friend or collegue, why not reply with a Haiku by Matsuo Basho or Kobayashi Issa, or with a poem by William Butler Yeats. Designed to stimulate the user's awareness of the richness of language and discover poetry in a new and engaging way, Poetry E-motions analyzes recurrent expressive words in the user's emails producing a unique poem or Haiku to be used as a reply.

Full Description

The next time you receive an email from a friend or collegue, why not reply with a Haiku by Matsuo Basho or Kobayashi Issa, or with a poem by William Butler Yeats. Designed to stimulate the user's awareness of the richness of language and discover poetry in a new and engaging way, Poetry E-motions analyzes recurrent expressive words in the user's emails producing a unique poem or Haiku to be used as a reply.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2006
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Tuesday Sep 12th, 2006
  • Original Url: http://
  • Permalink: http://
  • Work Credits:
    • None, creator
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