Prisoners (2006)

1983 - Ridley Scott directs Apples commercial for the introduction of the new Apple Macintosh computer - which was shown only once in the middle of that years Superbowl. I was there - so where 150 neo nazis, advertising people, the odd anarchist and all took place in Margaret Thatchers conservative revival (with Reagan) which has culminated in Blair and Bush. The commercial centred around George Orwell's 1984. All of these colliding ideologies made me want to make a work which talked about beliefs and conviction and mindsets that could in fact hold us as prisoners... At this link Prisoners is presented as 4 short clips (the whole piece is 16 monutes intotal) this is because besides beinga single screen gallery artwork, it is also intended as a multi-screen installation...

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1983 - Ridley Scott directs Apples commercial for the introduction of the new Apple Macintosh computer - which was shown only once in the middle of that years Superbowl. I was there - so where 150 neo nazis, advertising people, the odd anarchist and all took place in Margaret Thatchers conservative revival (with Reagan) which has culminated in Blair and Bush. The commercial centred around George Orwell's 1984. All of these colliding ideologies made me want to make a work which talked about beliefs and conviction and mindsets that could in fact hold us as prisoners... At this link Prisoners is presented as 4 short clips (the whole piece is 16 monutes intotal) this is because besides beinga single screen gallery artwork, it is also intended as a multi-screen installation...

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