Prisoners (2006)

In 1983 I worked on the commercial that made advertising history by costing 1 million dollars yet only being scheduled to be shown once during the 1964 Superbowl. Directed by Ridley Scott the commercial '1984' introduced the then new Macintosh Computer. I was engaged by CHiatt Day in Los Angeles to shoot the making of this commercial for Apple under the directorship of Mark Chiatt. The thing is there were a series of elements that made this event completely extrordinary - including the hiring of 150 neo nazis to act as 'clones' in the futuristic vision of the advertising agency. I shot this whilst Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Regan were in power - so that brand of capitalism was dominant. The fascists added spice, Orwell's dystopian vision of a cmmunist hell clashed with the preceeding ideologies and my own anarchistic feelings rose up and I found myself secreting the footage away because I knew I just had to make something with this footage. I worked on it for a year until one night, late, I discovered how to crash the footage together in a particular aesthetic that would unveil the hidden clash of ideas - ideas that could in certain circumstances, hold us Prisoners.

Full Description

In 1983 I worked on the commercial that made advertising history by costing 1 million dollars yet only being scheduled to be shown once during the 1964 Superbowl. Directed by Ridley Scott the commercial '1984' introduced the then new Macintosh Computer. I was engaged by CHiatt Day in Los Angeles to shoot the making of this commercial for Apple under the directorship of Mark Chiatt. The thing is there were a series of elements that made this event completely extrordinary - including the hiring of 150 neo nazis to act as 'clones' in the futuristic vision of the advertising agency. I shot this whilst Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Regan were in power - so that brand of capitalism was dominant. The fascists added spice, Orwell's dystopian vision of a cmmunist hell clashed with the preceeding ideologies and my own anarchistic feelings rose up and I found myself secreting the footage away because I knew I just had to make something with this footage. I worked on it for a year until one night, late, I discovered how to crash the footage together in a particular aesthetic that would unveil the hidden clash of ideas - ideas that could in certain circumstances, hold us Prisoners.

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