INSTALLATION: The Dinner Party (2006)

"The Dinner Party" is an installation first shown at the 2004 Glastonbury Festival in the Phoenix Arts Centre. A dinner party shot directly from above - then the image projected down on to an empty table bare except for 8 white plates. A virtual dinner party appears - only the hands of the participants and the food eaten seen until the end, (the above frame). Chairs are placed around the outside and gallery goers are then asked to take their places, trying to follow the hand movements caught on Camera. This installation featured at the Invideo Festival in Milan from October 2005 until March 2006 and will run again in Bristol in September 2006 and Milan in November 2006.

Full Description

"The Dinner Party" is an installation first shown at the 2004 Glastonbury Festival in the Phoenix Arts Centre. A dinner party shot directly from above - then the image projected down on to an empty table bare except for 8 white plates. A virtual dinner party appears - only the hands of the participants and the food eaten seen until the end, (the above frame). Chairs are placed around the outside and gallery goers are then asked to take their places, trying to follow the hand movements caught on Camera. This installation featured at the Invideo Festival in Milan from October 2005 until March 2006 and will run again in Bristol in September 2006 and Milan in November 2006.

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