The Object of Desire (2006)

The first part of my longform piece, 14 visions, 18 History Lessons, 21 Beatifications is concerned with the ubiquity of the image and certain French left bank philosophers sometimes nihilistic response to that ubiquity. For myself I see significance in every image, because it is eye, the seer who values what is seen. The Object of Desire is part six of the work and uses the myth of echo and narcissus, where Echo is sound and Narcussus is image. In the myth Narcissus is captivated under a punishment by Nemesis (goddess of justice) with his own image, yet Echo, herself under a punishment by Athena can only echo his words to himself thus completing the feedabcak loop of sound and image. Object is the object of Narcissus fascination with himself and his world. This is intended as a discussion in form. 6 minutes 31 seconds, 1992

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The first part of my longform piece, 14 visions, 18 History Lessons, 21 Beatifications is concerned with the ubiquity of the image and certain French left bank philosophers sometimes nihilistic response to that ubiquity. For myself I see significance in every image, because it is eye, the seer who values what is seen. The Object of Desire is part six of the work and uses the myth of echo and narcissus, where Echo is sound and Narcussus is image. In the myth Narcissus is captivated under a punishment by Nemesis (goddess of justice) with his own image, yet Echo, herself under a punishment by Athena can only echo his words to himself thus completing the feedabcak loop of sound and image. Object is the object of Narcissus fascination with himself and his world. This is intended as a discussion in form. 6 minutes 31 seconds, 1992

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