Timepiece (2006)

Timpiece is part 5 of my longform piece on the subject of Myth and Meaning in the Digital Age. It's overall title is 14 visions, 18 history lessons, 21 Beatifications. Timepiece is concerned with the trajectory of discussion and understanding in art begum by Duchamp (I the artist select), Magritte (ceci n'est pas une pipe - the issue of real and not real and its representation) and Warhol, look around, use 'art' as your gaze. The virtual is upon us - let us look wisely.

Full Description

Timpiece is part 5 of my longform piece on the subject of Myth and Meaning in the Digital Age. It's overall title is 14 visions, 18 history lessons, 21 Beatifications. Timepiece is concerned with the trajectory of discussion and understanding in art begum by Duchamp (I the artist select), Magritte (ceci n'est pas une pipe - the issue of real and not real and its representation) and Warhol, look around, use 'art' as your gaze. The virtual is upon us - let us look wisely.

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