Commercial-Free: The Museum of TV on DVD (2004)

This work is an attempt to create a hybrid space on the web that unites 2 types of web space: the conceptual art site and the fan site. I'm attempting to create a site that is not more of one or the other.

In one sense, Commercial-Free is about my own love of TV on DVD. It's a site where other fans of TV on DVD can visit and see my interpretations of various shows. It's about passion and fandom and being part of a web-community that revolves around the love of TV.

In another sense, it is a site that critiques the desire to collect and categorize. It is a conflation of my role as curator and my role as a fan. It attempts to draw attention to the role that personal taste plays in museum collection and exhibition. My museum pretends to be about TV on DVD, but really it is only about the shows I watch on DVD.

In the future, I will work towards the positioning of the site through linking. Ideally it will be equally linked to art sites and to fan sites. This is the most important part of the project and, currently, the most incomplete part. I'm interested in the way context on the web (how one comes to the site) changes the read of the nature of the site.

Full Description

This work is an attempt to create a hybrid space on the web that unites 2 types of web space: the conceptual art site and the fan site.

In one sense, Commercial-Free is about my own love of TV on DVD. It's a site where other fans of TV on DVD can visit and see my interpretations of various shows. It's about passion and fandom and being part of a web-community that revolves around the love of TV.

In another sense, it is a site that critiques the desire to collect and categorize. It is a conflation of my role as curator and my role as a fan. It attempts to draw attention to the role that personal taste plays in museum collection and exhibition. My museum pretends to be about TV on DVD, but really it is only about the shows I watch on DVD.

In the future, I will work towards the positioning of the site through linking. Ideally it will be equally linked to art sites and to fan sites. This is the most important part of the project and, currently, the most incomplete part. I am interested in the way context on the web (how one comes to the site) changes the read of the nature of the site.

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