"Dark Days, White Nights" A Video Installation for BAR VELOCE in NYC (2006)

Dark Days, White Nights, a video installation designed for Bar Veloce, is taking you on a trip to 1960's Italy. The installation re-edits, re-mixes, and intertwines the films of Michaelangelo Antonioni and Luchino Visconti, making a new movie every night. While you enjoy a glass of wine, the film moves between stretches of day and night as the characters struggle with love, lust, modernism, and the city. Come back tomorrow night, and you'll see something completely different.

Made possible with the generous cooperation of Criterion Collection / Janus Films.

Bar Veloce East Village 175 Second Ave (Between 11th and 12th) New York, NY Every night 5pm-3am

Bar Veloce Chelsea 176 Seventh Ave (Between 20th and 21st) New York, NY Every night 5pm-3am

Full Description

Dark Days, White Nights, a video installation designed for Bar Veloce, is taking you on a trip to 1960's Italy. The installation re-edits, re-mixes, and intertwines the films of Michaelangelo Antonioni and Luchino Visconti, making a new movie every night. While you enjoy a glass of wine, the film moves between stretches of day and night as the characters struggle with love, lust, modernism, and the city. Come back tomorrow night, and you'll see something completely different.

Made possible with the generous cooperation of Criterion Collection / Janus Films.

Bar Veloce East Village 175 Second Ave (Between 11th and 12th) New York, NY Every night 5pm-3am

Bar Veloce Chelsea 176 Seventh Ave (Between 20th and 21st) New York, NY Every night 5pm-3am

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