rahmenbedingung (2006)

sonification of the poetic act of cycling

a bycicle equipped with sensors and conected to a sound-computer via a wireless device, forms the personal musical interface of each performer. the organic data-stream of parameters like direction, speed, accelerarion, pedal-speed, pedal-direction etc is bound to the inner logic of riding a bike - hence we don't want to fall down. the outer logic is the architectural determination of the space, the bycicle path, as well as the position of the audience. these general conditions structure the music, on the other hand we will ride the bike in a musical way which defines our movements in space and evokes a choregrafie.

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sonification of the poetic act of cycling
a improvisation for 4 bycicles by


a bycicle equipped with sensors and conected to a sound-computer via a wireless device, forms the personal musical interface of each performer. the organic data-stream of parameters like direction, speed, accelerarion, pedal-speed, pedal-direction etc is bound to the inner logic of riding a bike - hence we don't want to fall down. the outer logic is the architectural determination of the space, the bycicle path, as well as the position of the audience. these general conditions structure the music, on the other hand we will ride the bike in a musical way which defines our movements in space and evokes a choregrafie.

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