i love you (2003)

Writing love in the picture, directly in the source code gives the viewer to see at every new connection a new collection of pictures more or less full of love. the more it's written in the code; the fewer pictures can be seen.

Full Description

Any time that a picture of Isabelle must be seen by someone connected to I love you images collections, because of my subject, the picture is treated by a love writing program : the image source code is opened and modified. An application calculates a very precise variable number taking in consideration some internet server's parameters and some user's connection informations. this number is re calculated on every new request for a picture.

Once this number determined the application searches in picture's source code if this variable is present. If it's found, it's replaced by the sentence 'I love you': the architecture of the code is disturbed. The web browser needed for the viewing interprets the file and tries to display the picture. But transformations in the source code may modify it and can lead to the apparition of artefacts like; pixelation, distortion, addition of new colours, partial or total reinterpretation of the picture, disappearance of the subject in the picture or even absolute impossibility for the browser to display the picture: apparition of a broken icon.

?image displayed ?php:$hunt = "I love you" image.jpg

This absurd way of literally writing love in the picture, directly in the source code gives the viewer to see at every new connection a new collection of pictures more or less full of love. the more it's written in the code; the fewer pictures can be seen.

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Artist Statement

“4.Wanting to write on love, is facing the mess of language: this panic area where language is both not enough yet too excessive […] and poor […].” Roland Barthes, A Lover's Discourse: Fragments


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