This Was Lost, This Was Found (2006)

This Was Lost, This Was Found marks lost items of clothing (textile) found on the streets and sidewalks of Philadelphia, especially in the Fishtown and Kensington neighborhoods. Small red and white arrows are deposited beside the lost items, pointing in the direction of the Coral Street Arts House. The CSAH building’s original function as a former Textile Mill is lost, but a new use for it has now been found. The process of marking lost textile items in relationship to the CSAH building connects the outside world of the city with questions of waste/reuse, loss/gain, and how to revitalize former sites of industry.

Visitors to the public exhibition of the project were invited to take an arrow to carry and deposit beside a lost item they might encounter in the city, and then photograph their marking and contribute it to documentation on the project web site.

Full Description

This Was Lost, This Was Found marks lost items of clothing (textile) found on the streets and sidewalks of Philadelphia, especially in the Fishtown and Kensington neighborhoods. Small red and white arrows are deposited beside the lost items, pointing in the direction of the Coral Street Arts House. The CSAH building’s original function as a former Textile Mill is lost, but a new use for it has now been found. The process of marking lost textile items in relationship to the CSAH building connects the outside world of the city with questions of waste/reuse, loss/gain, and how to revitalize former sites of industry.

Visitors to the public exhibition of the project were invited to take an arrow to carry and deposit beside a lost item they might encounter in the city, and then photograph their marking and contribute it to documentation on the project web site.

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