ReSpore NOLA (2006)

ReSpore NOLA is an internet work inspired by the pink dots of mold that grew into dark, fuzzy blobs on my friendsí and familyís walls and ceilings in New Orleans, post-Katrina. This digital recreation of an organic phenomenon is a reminder of the ongoing plight of people in New Orleans and along the gulf coast. And perhaps the displaced citizens of NOLA are like spores themselves, spreading our unique culturethroughout the USA. ReSpore NOLA requires Flash Player 8 and works best with a webcam. It uses the camera to determine the brightness of the computerís surroundings, which in turn controls the amount of mold that grows. A dark room will cause so much mold to grow that your computer may crawl, if not crash.

Full Description

ReSpore NOLA is an internet work inspired by the pink dots of mold that grew into dark, fuzzy blobs on my friendsí and familyís walls and ceilings in New Orleans, post-Katrina. This digital recreation of an organic phenomenon is a reminder of the ongoing plight of people in New Orleans and along the gulf coast. And perhaps the displaced citizens of NOLA are like spores themselves, spreading our unique culturethroughout the USA. ReSpore NOLA requires Flash Player 8 and works best with a webcam. It uses the camera to determine the brightness of the computerís surroundings, which in turn controls the amount of mold that grows. A dark room will cause so much mold to grow that your computer may crawl, if not crash.

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