Carnevale 3.0 (2005)

A life-sized, double aluminum cutout surrogate of the artist as a young girl moves through the gallery space on a robotic platform. Sandwiched between two identical cutouts are a small video camera and a small video projector. As visitors enter the gallery space, the figure interacts with them by turning and moving toward them. At random intervals, their image and movement is video captured. These images are combined and overlaid with previously stored images and projected outward from its metal body through the small video projector. Carnevale 3.0 carries images from each of its venues to the next, building a database of lived experience in which the captured video images become memories of the original event. As a mediator of experience this robotic entity has the ability to manifest human behavior by generating responsive movements, processing information, and accessing long term or short term memory. Recollection, physicality and sentience become ...

Full Description

A life-sized, double aluminum cutout surrogate of the artist as a young girl moves through the gallery space on a robotic platform. Sandwiched between two identical cutouts are a small video camera and a small video projector. As visitors enter the gallery space, the figure interacts with them by turning and moving toward them. At random intervals, their image and movement is video captured. These images are combined and overlaid with previously stored images and projected outward from its metal body through the small video projector. Carnevale 3.0 carries images from each of its venues to the next, building a database of lived experience in which the captured video images become memories of the original event. As a mediator of experience this robotic entity has the ability to manifest human behavior by generating responsive movements, processing information, and accessing long term or short term memory. Recollection, physicality and sentience become mutable entities.

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