movement of the sun (2005)

Movement of the sun (sun clock).

A yellow field moving at a computer screen. It reflects the suns movements in the sky and the movement can hardly be seen, but its moving all the time. When the sun rises a yellow field starts to move, first the field can hardly be seen but the more the sun moves the more you can see of the yellow field. At the middle of the day the whole field can be seen and the whole screen are yellow. When the sun goes down the yellow field disappear. A digital Sun.

This project is also made for Mobil phones and as a lamp/light bulb. Read more about the different versions at,

Full Description

Movement of the sun (sun clock).

A yellow field moving at a computer screen. It reflects the suns movements in the sky and the movement can hardly be seen, but its moving all the time. When the sun rises a yellow field starts to move, first the field can hardly be seen but the more the sun moves the more you can see of the yellow field. At the middle of the day the whole field can be seen and the whole screen are yellow. When the sun goes down the yellow field disappear. A digital Sun.

This project is also made for Mobil phones and as a lamp/light bulb. Read more about the different versions at,

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