Confrontation Line - History of conflict / Conflict of history (2002)

'Confrontation Line' is an interactive computer and sound installation for a darkened physical space. It deals with the relationships between space, time, and conflict. It is an experience of motion and position in space in relation to cultural and visual perceptions.

'Confrontation Line' is about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But it's also about the 'paradox of culture,' the rhetoric of witnessing, the media, the process of photography, and above all, it is an attempt to engage with Derrida's non-concept of 'differance.'

Full Description

'Confrontation Line' is an interactive computer and sound installation for a darkened physical space. It deals with the relationships between space, time, and conflict. It is an experience of motion and position in space in relation to cultural and visual perceptions.

'Confrontation Line' is about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But it's also about the 'paradox of culture,' the rhetoric of witnessing, the media, the process of photography, and above all, it is an attempt to engage with Derrida's non-concept of 'differance.'

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