auto dungeon (2002)

alundale is the personification of a spirit online, a spirit that exists, just as other forces in nature, through the interface, the exchange...

you have to look at the ground to take the key to open the magic coffin.

why do you have special weapons when you can finish the game with the simple gun (if you are a true player)...

the presence of the player is very important, it reflects him, his choices, it's a represention of navigation, of the self in code, an orientation of information ... a cybernetic relationship, between the brain which enjoys seeing its impulses rendered as nice things...

Full Description

alundale is the personification of a spirit online, a spirit that exists, just as other forces in nature, through the interface, the exchange...

you have to look at the ground to take the key to open the magic coffin.

why do you have special weapons when you can finish the game with the simple gun (if you are a true player)...

the presence of the player is very important, it reflects him, his choices, it's a represention of navigation, of the self in code, an orientation of information ... a cybernetic relationship, between the brain which enjoys seeing its impulses rendered as nice things...

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