bananamilk (2002)

I've always wanted to communicate with others through my works. I first found HTML to be a simple, practical way for me to display my paintings, drawings and photography on the web. It was my hope that with such a medium, I could reach a greater audience. With time, I realized that the web was, in its own way, a completely different medium than painting. Simply scanning the images changed their nature. By the time I posted the images onto my web, the original works no longer existed. As I was learning HTML coding, JavaScript and other web design related skill, I realized the potential of the web as a visual art medium, and so the experiments began.

For inspiration, I, like many artists, look to the work of others and build upon ideas from my studies in pursuing my creative endeavors. Artists do not work in a void, ...

Full Description

I've always wanted to communicate with others through my works. I first found HTML to be a simple, practical way for me to display my paintings, drawings and photography on the web. It was my hope that with such a medium, I could reach a greater audience. With time, I realized that the web was, in its own way, a completely different medium than painting. Simply scanning the images changed their nature. By the time I posted the images onto my web, the original works no longer existed. As I was learning HTML coding, JavaScript and other web design related skill, I realized the potential of the web as a visual art medium, and so the experiments began.

For inspiration, I, like many artists, look to the work of others and build upon ideas from my studies in pursuing my creative endeavors. Artists do not work in a void, but rather, are continually influenced by their experiences

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