growth 1.0b (2002)

Growth 1.0b is an autonomous virtual hair-growing device, which may be accessed from the Internet. Over the course of it's six week cycle (the average time period between human haircuts), the piece grows virtual hair of approximately 1.25 inches in length--slightly longer than the human average for the same duration. At the end of the interval, this hair is "shaved" and the process is begun again.

The piece exists in the context of a body of work that I have been engaged with for the last three years. My project has been to create digitally generated photographs, video installations, and interactive computer installations that investigate what it is that makes us feel human

Full Description

Growth 1.0b is an autonomous virtual hair-growing device, which may be accessed from the Internet. Over the course of it's six week cycle (the average time period between human haircuts), the piece grows virtual hair of approximately 1.25 inches in length--slightly longer than the human average for the same duration. At the end of the interval, this hair is "shaved" and the process is begun again.

The piece exists in the context of a body of work that I have been engaged with for the last three years. My project has been to create digitally generated photographs, video installations, and interactive computer installations that investigate what it is that makes us feel human

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