danielbalanescu (2005)

Most of my works are inspired by the turmoil of our times. Being born and having spent my childhood in Romania’s mining area, it was difficult to run out of inspiration. But when Romania opened its doors and windows to the world, I saw there was a lot out there, too. And it was not exactly what I had imagined.

After all, my works are a lot about human nature and what comes out of it in unusual circumstances.

Full Description

Most of my works are inspired by the turmoil of our times. Being born and having spent my childhood in Romania’s mining area, it was difficult to run out of inspiration. But when Romania opened its doors and windows to the world, I saw there was a lot out there, too. And it was not exactly what I had imagined.

After all, my works are a lot about human nature and what comes out of it in unusual circumstances.

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