wave_scan ()

wave_scan, a project meant for the web, is a film which is intended to be watched passively, like a traditional movie, and is composed of a database of filmed water, shot and collected from different countries around the world. The film unfolds in a random sequence, without repetition, mediated by the ebb and flow of bandwidth, networks and tributaries... There are approximately 60 video clips in the database and the running time is approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes. These specs will be updated when i continue to add more clips to the playlist, as i see this work as always in progress. A users internet connection determines the speed at which the video image loads and a program controls the random playback of the film sequences. The project can be viewed either on screen or as a large projection in space, as a kind of extended cinema. In this ...

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wave_scan, a project meant for the web, is a film which is intended to be watched passively, like a traditional movie, and is composed of a database of filmed water, shot and collected from different countries around the world. The film unfolds in a random sequence, without repetition, mediated by the ebb and flow of bandwidth, networks and tributaries... There are approximately 60 video clips in the database and the running time is approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes. These specs will be updated when i continue to add more clips to the playlist, as i see this work as always in progress. A users internet connection determines the speed at which the video image loads and a program controls the random playback of the film sequences. The project can be viewed either on screen or as a large projection in space, as a kind of extended cinema. In this sense the technical requirements are minimal. In the case of the project being presented onscreen, it simply needs a computer and net connection. In the case of a more cinematic projection scenario, simply add a data projector to the set up and screen the image large in a suitable space, with speakers for the sound.


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