Carnivore Is Sorry (2001)

"Carnivore" is a networked art project in two parts created by the RSG. The first part is "Carnivore Server," an application that performs packet-sniffing on a specific local area network and serves the resulting data stream via the net. The second part consists of an unlimited number of client applications, which tap into this data stream and interpret it in creative ways.

Mark Daggett built a client called "Carnivore Is Sorry" which is an apologetic snooping program. When a user is found on the network my client emails them an image that is a composition composed of images from all the websites they visited that session. The images have been blurred with a feedback loop so it looks like columns of color.

Full Description

"Carnivore" is a networked art project in two parts created by the RSG. The first part is "Carnivore Server," an application that performs packet-sniffing on a specific local area network and serves the resulting data stream via the net. The second part consists of an unlimited number of client applications, which tap into this data stream and interpret it in creative ways.

Mark Daggett built a client called "Carnivore Is Sorry" which is an apologetic snooping program. When a user is found on the network my client emails them an image that is a composition composed of images from all the websites they visited that session. The images have been blurred with a feedback loop so it looks like columns of color.

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