What's Wrong? (2005)

“What’s Wrong” is an installation that collects messages. In a time when our methods of communication are constantly expanding and developing, it should be our responsibility to ask ourselves: How does this affect our ability to understand, interpret and communicate.

The participant is asked a simple ambiguous question: What’s wrong? The question is presented by a representation of the artist and left to the viewer to determine how to respond. An email address and cell phone number are provided. When called, the answering machine reiterates: “What’s wrong?” The rest is left to the participant.

The website can be visited at www.whatswrongproject.com. Following the run of the installation the messages will be collected and presented on the above website to be viewed and deciphered by visitors.

The goal of the installation is allow participants to interpret a question and allow the latitude of self-expression in their answer. I hope to ...

Full Description

“What’s Wrong” is an installation that collects messages. In a time when our methods of communication are constantly expanding and developing, it should be our responsibility to ask ourselves: How does this affect our ability to understand, interpret and communicate.

The participant is asked a simple ambiguous question: What’s wrong? The question is presented by a representation of the artist and left to the viewer to determine how to respond. An email address and cell phone number are provided. When called, the answering machine reiterates: “What’s wrong?” The rest is left to the participant.

The website can be visited at www.whatswrongproject.com. Following the run of the installation the messages will be collected and presented on the above website to be viewed and deciphered by visitors.

The goal of the installation is allow participants to interpret a question and allow the latitude of self-expression in their answer. I hope to provoke wonder to the thought: To whom am I answering this question?

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Artist Statement

“What’s Wrong” is an installation that collects messages. In a time when our methods of communication are constantly expanding and developing, it should be our responsibility to ask ourselves: How does this affect our ability to understand, interpret and communicate.

The participant is asked a simple ambiguous question: What’s wrong? The question is presented by a representation of the artist and left to the viewer to determine how to respond. An email address and cell phone number are provided. When called, the answering machine reiterates: “What’s wrong?” The rest is left to the participant.

The website can be visited at www.whatswrongproject.com. Following the run of the installation the messages will be collected and presented on the above website to be viewed and deciphered by visitors.

The goal of the installation is allow participants to interpret a question and allow the latitude of self-expression in their answer. I hope to provoke wonder to the thought: To whom am I answering this question?

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