B.a.c.K. t.o. O.Z. (2005)

Revisiting the original project based on classic film "The Wizard of OZ"this new project discovers other routes starting search of limits of unconscious toward that obscure object called desire. Imagining the possibility of fact all this oniric passage created in the mind of a female protagonist (who could be Dorothy) much time after of her first visit to fictitious world of O.Z., an 'Operating Zystem' with multiples defects, obstacles and sweep codes, allowing a nearby experience what could be perceived as only sounds, animate images and chaos. Perhaps in this time will not be right to follow the yellow road instead of instincts though the red shoes could be a kind of usefulness in those cases where the road has made hard to keep going. However is ideal continues putting on automatic pilot and still being fidgety to reach a stimulate that permits us to arrive to the H.I. (High ...

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Revisiting the original project based on classic film "The Wizard of OZ"this new project discovers other routes starting search of limits of unconscious toward that obscure object called desire. Imagining the possibility of fact all this oniric passage created in the mind of a female protagonist (who could be Dorothy) much time after of her first visit to fictitious world of O.Z., an 'Operating Zystem' with multiples defects, obstacles and sweep codes, allowing a nearby experience what could be perceived as only sounds, animate images and chaos. Perhaps in this time will not be right to follow the yellow road instead of instincts though the red shoes could be a kind of usefulness in those cases where the road has made hard to keep going. However is ideal continues putting on automatic pilot and still being fidgety to reach a stimulate that permits us to arrive to the H.I. (High Intensity) zone . Enjoy it.

-"I want to see you and your wife right away about Dorothy." - -"Dorothy? Well, what has Dorothy done? "- -"What she's done? I'm all but lame from the bite on my leg! " - -"You mean she bit you? " - -"No, her dog! " - -"Oh, she bit her dog, eh? " - -"No! " - -"You go away or I -- I'll bite you myself! "" -

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