Self-Portrait Version 2.0 (2001)

Self-Portrait version 2.0 (SPv2) is an online application originally conceived by Brooke Singer and implemented by Brooke Singer with Paul Cunningham. SPv2 explores how identity can be constructed and perceived through data collection in cyberspace. Some data in cyberspace we consciously create to represent ourselves (emails and web sites, for instance). Other bits of data accumulate without our efforts--and many times without our knowledge--tracing certain of our interactions both in the physical and virtual worlds. Because of this data we do not willingly disperse, our cyber image is not always in our control nor ever fully knowable to us. SPv2 explores to what extent we are accessible online and what we may look like through mining Internet data.

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Self-Portrait version 2.0 (SPv2) is an online application originally conceived by Brooke Singer and implemented by Brooke Singer with Paul Cunningham. SPv2 explores how identity can be constructed and perceived through data collection in cyberspace. Some data in cyberspace we consciously create to represent ourselves (emails and web sites, for instance). Other bits of data accumulate without our efforts--and many times without our knowledge--tracing certain of our interactions both in the physical and virtual worlds. Because of this data we do not willingly disperse, our cyber image is not always in our control nor ever fully knowable to us. SPv2 explores to what extent we are accessible online and what we may look like through mining Internet data.

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