ReferPrint (2002)

"ReferPrint" is a work that makes art from the images found on pages that link to it. For example, if links to "ReferPrint," then when the piece starts it reads in all images from the Rhizome page where the link appears.

As the composition develops the user can click the "save print" button at anytime and a snapshot of that composition will be saved to the user's clipboard. Of course, once it has been stored to memory they can paste the final print into any graphics editor.

Full Description

"ReferPrint" is a work that makes art from the images found on pages that link to it. For example, if links to "ReferPrint," then when the piece starts it reads in all images from the Rhizome page where the link appears.

As the composition develops the user can click the "save print" button at anytime and a snapshot of that composition will be saved to the user's clipboard. Of course, once it has been stored to memory they can paste the final print into any graphics editor.

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