Vagueasart (2005)

a group of interdisciplinary researchers with expertise in media, computer science, music, philosophy, management science and the culinary arts took on an analysis of the built environment in urban Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: America's first and most extreme postindustrial city. Questions included how the urban environment of Las Vegas facilitates navigation, movement and flows/relations of bodies/subjects as a physical and informational space, and analysis of scripted space, transportation, space connectors, hybrid public/private spaces, and the architecture in Las Vegas. The LV strip is both one of the great post-modern architectural achievements of human kind, and a unique example runaway hyper-capitalism that has, perhaps surprisingly, created good middle class career opportunities for a diverse cross section of citizens of the USA. Teeming with contradictions circulating around the poles exploitation and freedom, it emerged from the crucible of the USA's (arguably) most libertarian and anti-worker state, Nevada. At the end of every ...

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a group of interdisciplinary researchers with expertise in media, computer science, music, philosophy, management science and the culinary arts took on an analysis of the built environment in urban Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: America's first and most extreme postindustrial city. Questions included how the urban environment of Las Vegas facilitates navigation, movement and flows/relations of bodies/subjects as a physical and informational space, and analysis of scripted space, transportation, space connectors, hybrid public/private spaces, and the architecture in Las Vegas. The LV strip is both one of the great post-modern architectural achievements of human kind, and a unique example runaway hyper-capitalism that has, perhaps surprisingly, created good middle class career opportunities for a diverse cross section of citizens of the USA. Teeming with contradictions circulating around the poles exploitation and freedom, it emerged from the crucible of the USA's (arguably) most libertarian and anti-worker state, Nevada. At the end of every 24 hour day, only the flows of money make any kind of sense at all - the dance of winners and losers continuing to build its towers higher.

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