Mazecorp (1999)

Since 1999, the work titled "Mazecorps" is reflecting a maze-like construction which refers to the possible relationships between cinema, poetry, and networking. That maze has four starting points, encoded by terms representing witnesses of arbitrary arrests psent - une arrestation - au matin - une moire" ("by now - an arrest - in the morning - a memory"). The arbitrary arrest of the photographic act is noticed for photographies are the key elements of mazecorps' story. Also the arbitrary arrest of the writer is clearly intimated since the verses of the poet are featured as sub-titles of a silent film. Above all, handled by the armed forces, the real discretionary arrest of any human who infringes a law is omnipresent. "Mazecorp" actually pays a tribute to mira Adamu who was executed by the belgian armed forces on tuesday, september 22, 1998. In the current release of "Mazecorps" (volume I), 24 ...

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Since 1999, the work titled "Mazecorps" is reflecting a maze-like construction which refers to the possible relationships between cinema, poetry, and networking. That maze has four starting points, encoded by terms representing witnesses of arbitrary arrests psent - une arrestation - au matin - une moire" ("by now - an arrest - in the morning - a memory"). The arbitrary arrest of the photographic act is noticed for photographies are the key elements of mazecorps' story. Also the arbitrary arrest of the writer is clearly intimated since the verses of the poet are featured as sub-titles of a silent film. Above all, handled by the armed forces, the real discretionary arrest of any human who infringes a law is omnipresent. "Mazecorp" actually pays a tribute to mira Adamu who was executed by the belgian armed forces on tuesday, september 22, 1998. In the current release of "Mazecorps" (volume I), 24 films no bigger then 400kb each are presented. As for other works featured on, we incite the visitor-actor to participate to the creation process of "Mazecorps". The visitor wishing to be an actor may send either a text or a photography, which would then be integrated to the current work (cf. photographies sub-titled "dire", which present several producers within a single image. size: 225 px - 150 px, format: .jpg ). Texts and photographies must be sent to "Mazecorps" will eventually be presented in situ as an installation, as soon as we'll find an area able to receive such an installation, where the perception of the audience depends on where it situates within the space. "Mazecorps" is also regularly released on CDRom which are available on request.

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