The persistence of hyperbole (2002)

"The persistence of hyperbole" is an autobiographical reflection on the role exaggeration plays in our obsessive fascination with technological progress. The piece explores parallel timelines-that of the artist as a gamer and new media creator, and that of the Castle Wolfenstein gaming franchise. Inspired by audio recordings made of the artist and his friends playing computer games as pre-teens in the 1980s, "hyperbole" enables the user to compare and contrast various texts, images and sounds from the life of both artist and game. Even across decades, it seems that no matter how flawed or primitive new media may be at any given moment, we are consistently willing to overlook its problems in order to maintain a larger narrative continuity.

Commissioned by The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, with the generous support of The James Irvine Foundation.

Full Description

"The persistence of hyperbole" is an autobiographical reflection on the role exaggeration plays in our obsessive fascination with technological progress. The piece explores parallel timelines-that of the artist as a gamer and new media creator, and that of the Castle Wolfenstein gaming franchise. Inspired by audio recordings made of the artist and his friends playing computer games as pre-teens in the 1980s, "hyperbole" enables the user to compare and contrast various texts, images and sounds from the life of both artist and game. Even across decades, it seems that no matter how flawed or primitive new media may be at any given moment, we are consistently willing to overlook its problems in order to maintain a larger narrative continuity.

Commissioned by The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, with the generous support of The James Irvine Foundation.

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